Monday, January 10, 2011

French Market Pickles

Just before Xmas I spent a very sunny and warm day with a friend strolling through the French Market in New Orleans. The French Market is a large open air market nestled between the Mighty Mississippi and the French Quarter. As we came upon a Cajun Santa Claus selling Xmas trees Annie pointed out two ladies eating Sno Balls-a New Orleans treat that I am newly obsessed with since my first taste. I loudly protested that those sno balls could not compare to the real deal at Hansen's Sno-Bliz and as I did so, Santa's helper tried to convince me that he could change my mind. I had no money and he wasn't giving away sno balls so I guess we will never know but as I slinked away I found I had wandered into a whole shelf full of pickles!

They had all kinds-tomatoes, green beans, cukes, and of course, my new favorite, pickled mirlitons! It was reassuring that pickles had such a nice presence in the French Market amongst all the bottles of hot sauce and bags of Zapps. As we kept on walking I found pickles just about everywhere we went (this happens alot when you are ME).

There was no one manning the "Gator Bites" booth so I'm not sure if this is a new nickname for pickles or if they'd run out of gator...

And here is just one of many pickle ornaments I came across that day. This one was in an antique shop where it was passed up for an empty bottle of Dr. Nut that day.

Does this post seem a little rambling? I'm sorry, I think I'm still hungover from New Year's Eve, 12th Night, and the Saints playoff game...but there may be no end in sight in this town...more beignets and coffee?